The Blueprint for Safety: Physical Security Measures Demystified

Your building security is in danger. 

Yes, you heard that right. You might think all is well and the physical premises are safe and sound. But is it the ultimate truth? Does your thinking support the reality and facts? 

Before you start worrying about the physical safety of your building and its inhabitants, let us tell you that worrying will not help.

What would make a difference is to ask the right questions, like

  • Why do we need physical security measures?
  • What Are The Most Common Physical Security Dangers For A Building?
  • What are the measures of physical security?

Let us start by answering the first question.

Why Do We Need Physical Security Measures?

We all know the answer to this question. But let’s break it down, as it would clarify your goals for building security.

Physical security for the building keeps the employees, assets, and premise facilities safe from internal and external real-world threats like intruders and cyber attacks. These attacks not only compromise the physical safety of people but also pose a threat to the data security of the building.

A physical attack can be directed to gain access to a restricted part of the building or into the safe area of the premises. Apart from that, the intruder can cause serious damage to building facilities and IT infrastructures or install viruses or malware into the building’s internal system. 

These actions can help the attackers access the building’s internal system and IT infrastructure remotely, thus compromising the data security and safety of all the employees in the building.

The physical security of a building is not limited or restricted to just the front and back doors. It extends to the entire area of the building. Any area that is left unprotected is at risk of an attack.

For example, the car park entrance with access to the building’s lobby or the smoking zone with doors leading to the exterior of the building are excellent blind spots if not protected by optimum building security.

What Are The Most Common Physical Security Dangers For A Building?

There are three common hazards when it comes to building security. They are:


When we say thieves, we are not referring to Tom Cruise-style Mission-Impossible stealing tactics or geniuses from Ocean’s 13. Property managers mostly have to deal with poach pirates – someone who steals unattended delivery packages left at the front door or lobby.


These people are the biggest physical threat to a building. Mostly, intruders are either after the personal possessions of a particular person or want to access an organisation’s data. There are several ways to stop and catch intruders that we will discuss later in this article.

Natural Disasters

It is humanely not possible to stop natural disasters from happening. But you can take steps to counter the consequences of a natural disaster on your building security. 

Natural disasters can lead to power loss in your building, affecting all electronic systems and locks and rendering them useless. So, you must have a Plan B for such situations and train the staff to help them make split-second decisions to enhance building security.


What Are The Measures Of Physical Security You Can Take With Advisen?

There are several steps you can take to increase the physical security of the building. Let us explore each one of them in detail.

Start With Risk Assessment

Implementing security measures in the building without doing a risk assessment or auditing the current security measures is working hard but not smart. You might have installed the best security equipment in the building, but it will come to no use if not placed in high-risk areas.

Security consultants from Advisen carry out a thorough risk assessment of the building premises to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats and estimate the impact of a security breach. 

Based on these findings, they develop a security plan that mitigates these risks or helps avoid them.

Building Perimeter Security

These are physical barriers to protect the building premises from intruders. Perimeter security measures primarily include:

  • Fences
  • Gates
  • Garage doors
  • Reinforced glass

Surveillance Systems

High-quality surveillance systems are another line of defence that you can set up with the help of Advisen to spot thieves and intruders. 

This is also known as the second line of defence to catch those who have managed to bypass the fences and gates. Some common examples of surveillance include:

  • CCTV security cameras
  • Fire Alarms
  • Motion detectors

Access Control

Last but not least is access control, which protects the premises against people who would enter without proper authorisation. There are various types of access control technologies, which include:

  • Locks and Keys
  • Keycards
  • Biometric readers that scan the fingerprint, face, or eye
  • Passkeys
  • Intercom systems

How Can Advisen Help You In Such Situations?

Physical security has several layers since there are multiple points and protection areas. The best way to handle such circumstances is to work with building security experts like Advisen.

Security consultants from Advisen do more than install the security measures. They conduct in-depth analysis to understand your needs and identify the potential risk areas. 

Based on this risk assessment, we craft a security solution that offers optimum safety, increases the efficiency of the existing security systems, and stays within your assigned budget.

Gone are the days when you could install off-the-shelf security solutions in your building and be done with it. Tailored security solutions with Advisen are the best way to go if you want to keep your employees and digital assets safe.

Let’s connect today to discuss the best security measures for your building.


Advisen - Sydney engineering advisory